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  • 2020-06-29 16:15:35
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1、 科学防控,出门戴口罩。愿你我相对,早日摘下口罩。武汉加油,中国加油。

1. Scientific prevention and control, wear masks when going out. I hope you and I can take off the mask as soon as possible. Come on, Wuhan, China.

2、 2020既已不能重启,那我们就勇往直前!致敬所有一线的工作人员,你们辛苦了!让我们等待春暖花开的那一天,等待万物复苏的那一天,相信那一天很快就会到来,相信那是美好的一天!我在甘肃,我为武汉加油,我为中国加油!相信一切都会好起来的,就像那一道五彩的彩虹,我们一起加油吧!

2、  Since 2020 can not be restarted, we will go forward bravely! Pay tribute to all front-line staff, you have worked hard! Let's wait for the day when spring flowers bloom and everything recovers. I believe that day will come soon and it will be a beautiful day! I am in Gansu, I refuel for Wuhan, I refuel for China! I believe everything will be OK, just like the road five Colorful rainbow, let's refuel together!

3、 武汉 你好吗 武汉,加油,我们说好了,待春暖花开时,我们和朱一龙一起去看你!等我们!



3. Wuhan, how are you? Wuhan, come on, we agreed. When the spring is warm and blooming, we will go to see you with Zhu Yilong. Wait for us!

4、 向所有坚守在一线的医护人员、子弟兵及所有坚守岗位的工作人员致敬!武汉加油!湖北加油!中国加油!

4. Salute to all the medical staff, children soldiers and all the staff who stick to their posts! Come on, Wuhan! Come on, Hubei! Come on, China!

5、 看着每天疫情更新的数字觉得真是世事难料,人生无常。以前总说明天和意外不知哪个先到来,每一次旅行都是赚到的,现在得说能见到明天的太阳都是赚到的。今天以前的每一段记忆中的好日子都值得珍惜,非常时期大家都多保重吧。还有,这次疫情再次感叹祖国强大,人民军队举世无双!医生就是人间天使!

5. Looking at the updated figures of the epidemic situation every day, I feel that the world is unpredictable and life is unpredictable. In the past, I always said that I didn't know which one would come first. Every trip was made. Now I have to say that I can see the sun tomorrow. Every good day in my memory before today is worth cherishing. Please take care of yourself in a special period. Moreover, the epidemic once again laments the strength of the motherland and the unparalleled people's army! Doctors are angels on earth!


6. There are different heroes in every era. At this moment, the medical workers who are fighting in the front line to save lives and help the wounded are great heroes!

7、 在医院,你才会明白,和自己的健康相比,人生没有什么放不下的,因为人间唯一的财富就是生命,当生命结束的时候,人间没有名利,没有金钱,没有荣誉可言。

7. In the hospital, you will understand that compared with your own health, there is nothing in life that can't be put down, because the only wealth in the world is life. When the life is over, there is no fame, no money, no honor in the world.

8、 无论如何,我们期待,期待曾经我们不屑的怠慢的每一天,未来可期,当那些被自己虚度的时光再回头,你要好好过。

8. In any case, we look forward to, looking forward to every day that we disdain to neglect, the future can be expected, when those wasted time by themselves come back again, you should have a good life.


9. When the epidemic is over, I'll put on the most beautiful powder and Dai, wear the most comfortable clothes, and go to see the friends who have not seen for a long time. Let's continue to stride forward! Come on!

10、 齐心协力共渡难关,早日战胜疫情。

10. We will work together to overcome the epidemic as soon as possible.

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