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适合发说说的沙雕句子 沙雕女孩的可爱文案

  • 2020-06-02 10:25:55
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1.生活不易 小猪猪叹气 哎

1. Life is not easy. Little pig sighs


2.别的女孩都是想撒娇 我只想和你单挑

2. Other girls are trying to be coquettish. I just want to compete with you


3. I don't know what kind of circles you are all in? My black eyes


4. Don't send out the circle of friends, you will slowly experience the feeling of missing.


5. There are two kinds of loveliest in the world. One is poor memory, the second I forgot.


6. The pigs distributed by the state have finally arrived


7. I want to commit suicide, so that there is no beauty in the world.



8. If the whole world doesn't want you, remember to come to me. I know several traffickers.


9. after checking the balance in Alipay, my hanging heart finally did not jump.

10.活得越来越不像自己了 像你老婆 恋爱的五味我就先替各位尝了

10. I'll taste the five tastes of your wife's love for you first

11.生活很苦 一定要加你这味糖

11. Life is very bitter. You must add sugar


12. I'm a big white rabbit candy. It will stick to you when it melts.


13. I'm in a good mood today. Take a selfie to commemorate it.

14.你家真穷 我说去你家玩 你说没门

14. Your family is so poor. I say you have no way to play

15.吃好喝好 长生不老 白白胖胖 充满希望

15. Eat well, drink well and live forever


16. The pictures are for reference only, and are mainly in kind.

17.是谁的小嘴巴在不停的吃东西呢?O 原来是我的。

17. Whose little mouth keeps eating? O it turns out to be mine.


18. You are my boy, I am your universe

19.不想和你看同一个月亮了 想和你一同看月亮

19. I don't want to see the same moon with you. I want to see the moon with you

20.时间得意 春风嘉许 我遇上你

20. Time is happy and spring breeze praises me to meet you


21. My secret to staying young: lie about your age.


22. I asked the fan if I was ugly? It shook its head all night.

23.你确实蛮拽 可我的删除键也不是玩具枪

23. You are really dragging, but my delete key is not a toy gun


24. Other girls change clothes: untie the clothes; I change clothes: untie the pigs.

25.我频繁记录着 只因为生活值得。

25. I keep track of it frequently just because life is worth it.

26.我的黏人程度:999999+% 我表现出的:1%。

26. My stickiness: 999999 +% what I show: 1%.

27.你还怪我喜欢你 明明是你先长的好看的。

27. You blame me for liking you. You are the first to look good.


28. Selling my brain at a high price without using it intentionally.

29.抛个硬币 如果摔碎了今天就不吃晚饭了

29. If you toss a coin, you won't have dinner today

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