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雷人的空间说说 冷笑话句子集

  • 2020-06-05 09:54:02
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. Mingming is very beautiful, but I have to study hard. This is the gap between Mingming and me.



2. There is no predestination between you and me. It depends on my appearance.


3. When you get married later, I will move to your next door to be a quiet old king.


4. When I was away from my hometown, people in the countryside couldn't drink any more well water.


5. When working in a convenience store, my boss told me not to receive any fake money when I was checking in, or I would be fined 50 yuan for every counterfeit money I found. I took my boss's words to heart and changed all the hundred yuan bills in the counter into counterfeit ones that night.


6. I'm so afraid of being carried to others' arms by typhoon. After all, people like me will definitely not return it.


7. It's seriously suspected that Yuelao took my red rope to knit a sweater.


8. I look at you frequently on the bus. You look at me frequently. I fall in love with you at first sight, but you hold your wallet tightly.


9. I'm going to be a long-term student soon. Unfortunately, I can't learn, nor can I grow.


10. That time I tried to learn from the Korean heroine by taking the bus. She looked out of the window with affection. As a result, the road was too bad and I was shocked.



11. In fact, I regret every time I lose my temper with you. I regret not hitting you.


12. After half of the holiday, I have traveled all over the country with my friends.


13. After buying the vegetables, the girl is called. I haven't given the money yet. After paying the money, the girl is called. I haven't changed the money yet. After finding the money, the girl is called again. I haven't taken the vegetables...


14. The warm girl is called warm man, and the warm girl is called hot dog.


15. A driver of BMW and a driver of Mercedes Benz said that the oil price is too cheap. If it goes up to more than 70 liters, it will be good, so those who drive broken cars will not be able to afford gas! We don't have to line up. Www.Shuoshuokong.Com At this time, I heard a Rolls Royce saying, "man, you are right. When would you like to go up to 700 liters?"! In this way, those who break through Mercedes Benz and BMW can't be added. I don't have to wait in line! I can't help it at last. If it goes up to 7000 liters, it will be good! In this way, I can ride the electric vehicle on the road more smoothly. What's the driving force.


16. There are many unexpected things in life, for example, you think I want to give an example.


17. What do you think when you are sleepless? Want to sleep.


18. I'll find a boyfriend with the same surname as you, give birth to a son, and call your name. If you can't be a husband and wife, you can be my son!


19. If you can't blush again, can you borrow some money.


20. My mother accused me: you are too lazy. You haven't washed your dirty clothes for several days! I argued: too much homework, no time to wash. Pull it down, I don't know you? My mother said firmly that when I was pregnant with you, other people's children kicked their mothers, so you never kicked, and you were lazy when you hit your mother.


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