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恶心的空间说说 真是重口味的签名

  • 2020-06-05 09:54:25
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. The God of man was behind him. He wanted to have a look back and smile, but he got a snot bubble.



2. Since I became shit, no one has stepped on my head.


3. Don't think it's nostalgia to break up and go to your space. I'll take a look at the toilet after I shit.


4. Youth is like playing mahjong, either shooting or touching yourself.


5. When I like you, I think you are cute when you eat shit; when I don't like you, I think you are eating shit when you do anything.


6. Do you know who is the most powerful anti Japanese hero in history? Right answer: aunt!


7. Our class wanted to rehearse farewell my concubine. I wanted to say this to a girl. I acted as the concubine and you acted as the concubine. As a result, I mistakenly said: I acted as the king, you acted as the concubine.


8. Is my back itchy? Do you want to change it? Just take a bath



9. The day before yesterday in the office, the computer was playing music, and suddenly there was a fart to be played. With the music, the fart was squashed into four. I found that the other people in the office were looking at me. I used to take the headphones with me. The sister next to me said, "a good fart will break you completely."


10. Take me to long hair and waist. I must lift the squatting pit. If I don't lift the squatting pit, the hair will taste steady.


11. Don't always lie in the trough. Have the ability to turn it around.


12. I fell in love with a six-year-old girl. It's really a sin. It's really sinful of you to get rid of your likes.


13. Even if you are a piece of shit, you will meet a dung beetle one day.


14. In middle school, many boys would smoke in the toilet after class. The teaching director often judges whether the boys smoke by smelling their fingers. Students think of a way to use disposable chopsticks with cigarettes. As a result, one time the director happened to catch up with the group of boys and walked out of the toilet with chopsticks.


15. I have a dream about you. I'm very sad. You are eating shit. I advise you. If you don't listen, you still hit me.


16. When walking on the road, I suddenly want to fart. There is a man riding a motorcycle beside me, so I want to take this opportunity to cover up my fart sound. I don't know how to use too much force and the sound is too loud. The motorcyclist thinks that it's starting, and he's going to leave when he's in gear, and he falls!

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