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2020最新搞笑说说 空间个性签名

  • 2020-06-05 09:54:36
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. There is a bleak saying that this math problem has exceeded my understanding of Chinese.



2. The school pays money so frequently that parents think I'm taking drugs.


3. There is no banquet that doesn't go away, but if you treat me, I can accompany you for a while.


4. Getting up now is not about perseverance, but about urination.


5. At a certain age in your life, it always comes once a month. It usually comes on time. Of course, it's also common to put it off a few days in advance. When it comes, it is often accompanied by physiological reactions, such as nervousness, irritability, insomnia, depression, and even loss of appetite. Of course, the most amazing thing is that several people who live in a dormitory will come on the same day. Yes, it is the damn monthly test


6. I want to go to the movies with men's tickets at weekends and help recommend some men's tickets.


7. When you feel particularly attractive, you must take a picture to make it clear to you.


8. I don't want to hide one thing from you. I want to hide two things.


9. The excellent young pioneers in primary school are likely to be the peak of my political career.


10. I have always believed that one day my best friend will become very rich, and then support me. As a result, those fools think the same.



11. When a good friend has an object, I feel that the pig I raised for many years has been eaten by others.


12. Some people say that I am handsome. I smile because I smile more handsome.


13. The furthest distance in the world is that the teacher is talking about the fourth chapter, the learning bully is looking at the eighth chapter, but I am looking at the catalogue.


14. You must walk the rest of the way well, and I, you have to carry me.


15. At night, when I went home to climb the stairs, I was very happy. There was a uncle in the back. It's estimated that uncle was very worried and said, "beauty let me go first?"? When I was nervous, I turned to my uncle and said, "Gee, can you see me?"? I can't forget my uncle's complicated and surprised eyes at that time. Uncle, don't turn around and run! Uncle, listen to me, uncle! Sorry, I'm wrong!


16. Once upon a time, horses and cars were very slow, letters were far away, only enough to love one person in one's life, but you could go to brothels, three wives and four concubines.


17. Go to bed early in the future. Don't stay up recklessly because of your ugliness.


18. It's so windy outside today that I'm afraid. If everyone else blows away, I won't be able to do it. That's a shame.


19. There is a kind of person who doesn't like you and doesn't let you like others. This kind of person is the head teacher.


20. Now I don't want to chat with people. I usually have dinner. I'll take a bath first. It's not as cool as primary school. It's not me.

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