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2020最搞怪的句子又来了 诙谐幽默的说说

  • 2020-06-05 09:55:02
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. Rank the results. You are ugly first. I am handsome and I am free.



2. Generally, it's kind to eat, because every day I just want to eat, and I don't have time to calculate others.


3. Any horror film can't be equal to the teacher in charge of a class who suddenly emerges from the window.


4. Forgive me for attending in full dress, holding the water pen in my hand, frowning tightly and writing hard, just to help Xueba to the bottom.


5. I'm 21. Go to eat and finish the meal. I'll shout, elder sister, check out! The elder sister laughed and pointed to a pretty girl around 20 years old. She said to me, "my daughter is so old. What do you want to call me?"? I'm a little late: Mom?


6. You have countless spare tires and your feelings are constant, not because you are charming, but because you are cheap and versatile.


7. What do people say to you the most against their will? I look ugly


8. The boat of friendship turns when it is said to turn over, and the great ship of love sinks when it is said to sink. Only the canoe of a single dog can stand still.


9. Do you believe it? There is always a girl who comes to this world to torture you.


10. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, so I recommend three steps to relieve the summer heat: first, think about the people you like, half of your heart is cool; second, think about your academic achievements, half of your heart is cool; third, think about your savings, from head to toe. Farewell to the hot, low-carbon life, starting from me.



11. Why do you often have tears in your eyes? Because I'm really sleepy!


12. If you like it, go after it. Whether you have a boyfriend or not, the team has a goalkeeper. Doesn't the ball go in the same way!


13. I want to beat you to be disabled, because I want to take care of you all my life.


14. When you suddenly don't return my news, I always comfort myself: it's OK, you are probably dead.


15. I remember when I was just in middle school, I found my chest slightly raised and I felt scared. Now I am graduating from university. Looking at my slightly raised chest, I feel more scared.


16. The review boat turned and turned, and sublimed into a luxury ship.


17. I heard that it's raining in your city. I don't know if you have an umbrella. If you have one, it will rain in vain.


18. What did you bring to school? A heart ready for holidays


19. When you see me staring at you all the way, don't think I'm interested in you. I really can't see who you are

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