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  • 2020-06-05 09:55:03
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. When you send me wechat messages, why don't I try to send a red packet when I haven't replied to you!



2. The math teacher told us that it's normal for you to like a person at your age, but it's better to hide in your heart and do a math problem when you think about her. When you graduate, she will show her the exercise book full of math problems and tell her how much you like her. She will be very moved. I tried it and found that after finishing the second question, I didn't like her anymore!


3. If you haven't married in ten years, I haven't married, then we are too miserable, really too miserable


4. I always thought I would not have children until my son ordered the full text.


5. On the Internet, you may like me very much. But as long as you walk into my life, contact me more and know me more, you will find that I am really popular in reality.


6. There is only one way to cheat me into going to bed. Do you really want to open it? I take you as a friend, and you want to sleep with me.


7. Have I ever been chased? I laughed. Isn't that a common thing? Let's talk about yesterday, TMD. That dog is fierce. He chased me three blocks.


8. You don't mess with me. Oh, you don't know. If you mess with me, I'll call you and your phone rings


9. Do you have any friends who understand sports cars? Please recommend a sports car of 4 million to 8 million yuan. It requires good performance, fast start, high horsepower, high comfort and fashionable appearance. If it's a limited edition, it's better for me to use it as a mobile wallpaper.


10. Some people say I'm shameless, I'm talking nonsense! I can't give up such a handsome face!



11. In this way, after 12 o'clock, no one wishes me a happy birthday, maybe because today is not my birthday!


12. I love your new version of RMB no matter what you make


13. I finally understood a truth: if you are ugly, you should read more books. No wonder everyone says that I am not the material for reading


14. My English is not good, so I always take a very thick Oxford English Chinese dictionary with me. As long as someone speaks English to me, I will use the dictionary.


15. When you are short of money, it is your colleagues who can provide 500 yuan, relatives who can provide 2000 yuan, brothers and sisters who can provide 5000 yuan, parents who can provide 50000 yuan, but I am the only one who can provide 200000 yuan, 500000 yuan or even 1 million yuan! This is the most touching usury advertisement I've ever heard


16. If you have the ability, you can drive well!


17. Do you know what are the disadvantages of girls? No, I told you no! We are all perfect girls!


18. The subway said that it was forbidden to carry inflammables and explosives. I got off the train silently because I was so cute that it exploded


19. When I was a child, I thought the whole world liked me. When I grew up, I found that it was the whole universe!


20. Tomorrow is Valentine's day. If anyone calls me at 5:20 a.m. tomorrow morning and tells me that I love you, my legs will interrupt you. So early, do I want to go to bed!

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