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  • 2020-06-05 09:55:06
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. There will always be a blind person who looks at you and has nothing to say to you.

2.突然好想我对象,也不知道他吃没吃饭,忙不忙, 住在哪里, 多大了,叫什么。


2. Suddenly I miss my object very much. I don't know whether he has eaten or not, is busy or not, where he lives, how old and what his name is.


3. A handsome man is a wallop, and an ugly one is a giant.


4. When you feel poor and ugly, don't be sad. At least your judgment is right.


5. As soon as I went to review, I found that other people's heads were printers, recorders, digital cameras, and soymilk machines.


6. Chatting without a common language is like scattering sand. You don't need the wind to blow. You want to take a bath after chatting.


7. Review the boat said turn turn turn turn over, and sublimate into a great ship.


8. There is no wife in the wife cake, and there is no fish in the fish flavored shredded pork, so it is understandable that there is no breast in the bra.


9. Will you follow me when I reach for you? If not, I'll have to reach out and trip you.

10.班主任说:学好一门课就应该像追一个人一样,要坚持! 我打断他说:那你同时追八个试试。 你出去! 我瞬间明白我为什么我是学渣,原来我是一个专一的人啊,然后鄙视地看着学霸:见课就上的小婊砸

10. The head teacher said: to learn a course well should be like chasing a person, and insist! I interrupted him and said, "well, try eight at the same time.". You go out! I instantly understand why I am learning scum, so I am a single-minded person, and then look at learning bully with disdain: a little bitch smashing in class



11. It's a holiday right now. Buy a globe. The world is so big that you can not only look at it, but also rotate it.


12. The so-called sleeping goods can be summed up in eight words: sleepiness in spring, fatigue in summer, dozing in autumn and hibernation.


13. Every time I go shopping, a lot of people send me small advertisements and leaflets. Alas, this is me. It's so beautiful that people send papers

14.为什么家长只看分数? 废话,你以为他们看得懂题目吗!?

14. Why do parents only look at scores? Nonsense, do you think they can understand the topic!?


15. Go to the nunnery when you grow up. It's said that when Wu Meiniang goes there, she becomes Empress Wu, Zhen Huan becomes empress dowager, and Yang Yuhuan becomes concubine Yang.


16. My way of expressing love has always been simple and rough, and I have time to sleep together.


17. Every time you and your friend say one sentence to me, we feel like two mall security guards with walkie talkies.


18. If ugliness can be used as food, you can support 1.3 billion people.


19. I like the teacher who talks about calves in class, but I hate the teacher who talks about calves till the end of class.

20.今天坐公交,听一对小情侣说。女:你会爱我多久? 男:我会爱你到灰太狼把羊村里的羊吃完为止! 卧槽,当时震惊了,这比什么海枯石烂强多了!

20. Take the bus today and listen to a couple. Woman: how long will you love me? Man: I will love you until grey wolf finishes eating up the sheep in the sheep village! Lying in the trough, I was shocked at that time. It's much better than nothing!

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