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搞笑的说说句子心情 尬笑娱乐句子

  • 2020-06-12 10:11:17
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次



1. Many people say that I'm beautiful and lovely. I really want to slap her. Who doesn't know? I want you to talk about it everywhere.


2. When talking with a girl, she always likes to write me as me. Is this a hint?


3. The reviewers will each pay 100 yuan for the call. China Unicom, China Mobile and China Telecom are optional. Don't ask me why. I'm just kidding.


4. I'm most bothered by people telling me how many times they have read the journey to the west, and how many times they have recited it. What is the content of the tight hoop mantra read by monk Tang?


5. There are fish in Beiming. Its name is Kun. It's so big. I don't know if it's thousands of miles long. It can feed tens of thousands of people.


6. A hot Internet problem recently: what do you do when someone you like falls into the cesspool? I think so. Let him die. People who can fall into the cesspool are so stupid that they don't deserve me at all.


7. What's the most crowded bus you've ever taken? It's just passing by the bus stop and getting stuck


8. When you get married later, I will move to live next door to your house and be a quiet old king.


9.今天我在地铁站买票,不小心吐了口痰,这时有一个漂亮的外国妹子用鄙视的眼光看着我,为了不丢中国人的脸, 我说了句八嘎。

9. Today, I bought a ticket at the subway station and spit carelessly. At this time, a beautiful foreign girl looked at me with contempt. In order not to lose the face of the Chinese people, I said "eight Ga".


10. If you like a person, you don't have to fall in love with her, just get married.


11. I must save money well this month, go to bed early and get up early, and run when I have nothing to do. By the way, I have to change my bad temper. If I can't do it, I will have it again next month.


12. Dreams still need to exist. Otherwise, when you drink too much, you can talk to others. Talk about control funny talk about Daquan.


13. Have you heard of it? Looking back 500 times in the past life, I got a shoulder wipe in this life. As a close friend like you and me, I didn't seem to do anything in my last life. Just turn around!


14. Don't trust any girl with a good voice. Why? Just because I'm a courier.


15. Taking a taxi, I found that the driver made a detour in the middle of the way, and immediately tears came out. Maybe he is the only one in the world who wants to stay with me for a while longer.


16. I caught a mosquito alive yesterday. Maybe it was because it was too hot. I felt pity for it. After thinking for a long time, I released the mosquito to my roommate's mosquito net.

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