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  • 2020-06-19 10:30:44
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次
  1. 情话写得漂亮,多半是弥补长相的不足。

1. Love words are beautifully written, mostly to make up for the lack of appearance.


2. 说好一起到白头,你却偷偷焗了油。

2. We agreed to go to the white head together, but you secretly baked the oil.

3. 女人在一起玩好了就是小时代,玩不好就是甄嬛传。

3. It's a small age for women to play together. If they don't play well, it's the legend of Zhen Huan.

4. 我觉得生气时被逗笑是件挺伤自尊的事。

4. I think it hurts my self-esteem to be teased when I am angry.

5. 生命在于运动运动创造生命我似乎懂了什么

5. Life is created by sports. What do I seem to know

6. 问:你能不能说一句话让全班都生气?答:老师你忘了留作业。

6. Can you say a word to make the class angry? A: teacher, you forgot to leave your homework.

7. 「你跟身份证照片上长的一样!」简直找不出比这句更赞美的赞美了。

7. "You look the same as the ID card photo! "I can't find any more praise.

8. 女儿问:麻麻,为什么你总是这么罗嗦?妈妈道:如果见了你外婆,你就知道,我已经算是好的了。

8. My daughter asked: numb, why are you always so wordy? Mom said: if you see your grandmother, you know, I'm already good.

9. 我要胖成一轮明月,照亮你们这群瘦子!!!

9. I want to be fat into a bright moon to light up your thin people!!!

10. 初中的孩子你们太天真了,你们以为这是放假吗?这叫有期徒刑三年缓刑两个月

10. You are so naive in junior high school. Do you think it's a holiday? It's three years in prison, two months in probation

11. 自信的女人不一定漂亮,比如说凤姐。

11. Confident women are not necessarily beautiful, such as Sister Feng.

12. 风萧萧兮易水寒,欠了钱兮你要还。

12. The wind is bleak and the water is cold. If you owe money, you have to pay it back.

13. 不想当厨子的裁缝不是好司机。

13. A tailor who doesn't want to be a cook is not a good driver.

14. 别人的钱财乃我的身外之物。

14. Other people's money is my belongings.

15. 别老看AV,你也不看看键盘上,字母A和V后面分别是什么。

15. Don't look at AV all the time. You don't look at the letters A and V on the keyboard.

16. 上帝,请为我关上一扇门之后不用打开一扇窗了,实在太他妈冷了。

16. God, please close a door for me without opening a window. It's so damn cold.

17. 什么叫寂寞?就是五十块的话费居然用了三个月还没用完最后硬是让月租给扣完了!

17. What is loneliness? That's 50 yuan. It took three months to use up the bill. Finally, the monthly rent was deducted!

18. 有人说把需要背的英语单词改成QQ密码会更容易记住。我尝试了一下,结果,一觉醒来QQ登不上去了。。。

18. It is said that it will be easier to remember the English words that need to be memorized into QQ password. I tried it for a while, but when I woke up, QQ couldn't log on...

19. 找老公一定要找泰国人!他们即有钱又大方,因为他们见面第一句话就是:刷我滴卡??

19. If you want to find a husband, you must find a Thai! They are rich and generous, because the first sentence they meet is: brush my drop card??

20. 吓死我了打雷就打雷了闪毛电老子在洗澡还以为有人在帮我拍照

20. I was scared to death when I was thundering. I was taking a shower and thought someone was taking pictures for me

21. 小时候写作文都是扶老人,现在想想我当年胆子真大。

21. When I was a kid, I used to help the old people write compositions. Now I think I was really brave.

22. 新时代的雷锋精神是什么?分享wifi密码!

22. What is Lei Feng's spirit in the new era? Share WiFi password!

23. -你对一个人最高级别的信任是什么?-跟他出门不带一分钱。

23. - what is your highest level of trust in a person? -Go out with him without a cent.

24. 剪完头发理发师问我感觉怎么样?看了眼镜子,回了他一句:"你开心就好?"

24. After the haircut, the barber asked me how I felt? Looking at the mirror, he replied, "you are happy? "

25. 刚才把脚崴了在路边坐了会,居然有人给我扔五十块钱,

25. I just sprained my ankle and sat on the side of the road for a while. Someone threw me 50 yuan,

26. 我有洁癖那你怎么三个月不洗澡?我嫌水脏。。。

26. I have a habit of cleanliness. Why don't you take a bath for three months? I don't like dirty water...

27. 女:你为什么对我这么好?男:我敬你是条汉子!

27. Woman: Why are you so nice to me? Man: I'm a man to you!

28. 我听过最毒舌的一句话就是你和你身份证上长得一模一样

28. as like as two peas, I heard the most poisonous word that you are exactly the same as your ID card.

29. 有对象了?嗯一个寝室的?嗯!【害羞】

29. Have you got a partner? Um, a dorm? Yeah! [shy]

30. 今早见到最狠的一句话是:异地恋?算了吧,不过是养个手机宠物而已。

30. The most cruel sentence I saw this morning is: long distance love? Forget it. It's just a mobile phone pet.

31. 电风扇真是人类最好的朋友,我只是问它我是不是长得丑,它就很认真地对我摇了一晚上头。

31. The electric fan is really the best friend of human beings. I just asked if I was ugly, and it shook my head seriously all night.

32. 马来西亚用半年的时间告诉我们,他家的飞机,不是你想坐,就能活下来的

32. Malaysia has spent half a year telling us that his family's plane can survive if you don't want to take it

33. 一般别人问我忙不忙,我都会说忙,根据我的经验,如果你说不忙,那对方十有八九会让你忙起来。

33. When people ask me whether I'm busy or not, I always say I'm busy. According to my experience, if you say I'm not busy, chances are that the other party will make you busy.

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