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  • 2020-06-24 16:14:44
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次




I'm calling your cell phone and you don't answer it. I know I'm making you angry. But please understand, I love you, just in the wrong way, not careful enough


I know that our contradiction is due to a diamond ring. I blame you for not understanding your heart. Girls' hearts are sensitive. I should have known that for a long time.


In fact, I also like that diamond ring. It's unique shape and perfect production. It's really unforgettable. Unfortunately, it's not ours. It's your best friend's favorite. That diamond ring makes your best friend the most charming bride on the day of marriage.


You are stubborn in what I said. I said too much. I shouldn't blame you for "love what you see". You are not that kind of person. You have said that it will be happy to rent a house with me in the future. Honey, I'm ashamed of what I said. No wonder you're angry.


Yes, it's a woman's small nature to love jewelry. Which woman doesn't want to have decent jewelry? Especially the dazzling diamond ring, which is the only one in her life, of course, it must be unique.


Honey, I already know the origin of that ring. It comes from the first brand of online wedding diamond. You know, I won't say a vow, but this brand is called "Haimeng wedding diamond". I wish a ring could represent all my heart and all my vows!


Honey, go to the Internet and check it. I know you will like it. I've decided. Let's 5. We also went to Haimeng wedding diamond to search for diamonds, and let Haimeng also make a unique wedding ring for us. They are jewelry brands that focus on wedding ring customization!


OK, honey, can you forgive me? Shall we meet in the old place tonight? I will wait and be patient until the lovely you show up

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