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感恩演讲 终身难忘的演讲

  • 2020-05-26 13:06:20
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

At 1:30 this afternoon, our class 65 listened to a speech delivered by the father of our classmate Xu Jiale, the dean of Chengming college, on the second floor of Chengming college. Soon after we arrived, the host began to talk.今天的下午一点三十分,我们六五班在诚明书院的二楼听一次由我们自班同学徐嘉乐的爸爸即诚明书院的院长送举办的演讲,不一会儿,我们都到齐了,主持人便开始了说话。

感恩演讲 终身难忘的演讲


When the host spoke, the Dean had unconsciously come to the door, and we welcomed him with warm applause. At the beginning of the speech, the scene was silent. We were all absorbed in listening to the president's speech. The first theme of the president's speech was only one word: filial piety. In today's society, there are fewer and fewer people who know how to be grateful and filial, and filial piety is the essence of life that everyone should learn, so we should cultivate the moral character of filial piety from childhood. The president also told us about the process of China from prosperity to decline and then to prosperity. After hearing this, we were sometimes moved and sometimes angry. Sometimes angry, sometimes proud. As the saying goes: a strong youth is a strong country. We should start from now on, study hard, serve our motherland when we grow up, become the pillar of the people's Republic of China, and repay our parents and Chinese mothers.

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