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  • 2020-05-25 14:01:00
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

Leopard Jane's strokes are divided into steps: first draw a circle, then draw five senses, draw the body, and finally draw the tail and pattern. Leopard, also known as leopard, leopard and leopard tiger, is one of the four largest cats in the cat family. Leopard's sneak attack ability is excellent. After seeing the prey, the leopard moves forward little by little, almost without any sound, because the leopard's claws have soft meat pads and sharp claw armor. Now let's take a look at the step-by-step drawing of leopard with simple strokes.豹子简笔画分步骤画法是:先画出一个圆,然后画出五官,画出身体,最后画出尾巴和花纹。豹,别名金钱豹、花豹、豹虎,拉丁文名Leopard.是猫科豹属的一种动物,在四种大型猫科动物中体积最小。豹子的偷袭本领非常出色。每当看到猎物以后,豹子就一点一点向前靠近,几乎一点声响也没有,因为豹子的爪子上有柔软的肉垫和尖利的爪甲。下面带大家来看看简笔画豹子的分步骤画法。




Little knowledge of Leopard: except for people, the adult leopard is invincible. In the case of a large number of prey, leopards prey in the form of sneak attack. Leopard, also known as leopard, leopard and leopard tiger, is one of the four largest cats in the cat family. Leopard's sneak attack ability is excellent. After seeing the prey, the leopard moves forward little by little, almost without any sound, because the leopard's claws have soft meat pads and sharp claw armor. Now you know more about leopards!

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