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  • 2020-05-25 13:22:25
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
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动物界奇妙的美丽一直是艺术家Niharika Rajput灵感的源泉。特别是,她发现鸟类是她最大的灵感,她试图在精美的纸和金属丝雕塑中捕捉它们的相似之处。

The amazing beauty of the animal kingdom has always been the inspiration of artist niharika Rajput. In particular, she found that birds were her greatest inspiration, and she tried to capture their similarities in exquisite paper and wire sculptures.



这位艺术家身处新德里,最初制作的是三维小雕像,以野生动植物为主。Niharika Rajput一直喜欢鸟类,自然而然就以它们为主要创作对象,并切动力十足。她根据不同的鸟类制作了复杂的雕塑,并力求还原它们的眼睛,喙和羽毛的确切细节。

The artist, based in New Delhi, originally made three-dimensional statues, mainly of wild animals and plants. Niharika Rajput has always been fond of birds, and naturally takes them as the main creative object, and is full of motivation. She made complex sculptures of different birds and tried to restore the exact details of their eyes, beaks and feathers.

通过稳定而认真的工作,Niharika Rajput打算为每一种活禽创造一个雕塑。这位年轻的艺术家已经制作了许多令人惊艳的复制品,她不遗余力地将精确的特征应用于每个主题,从而使雕塑看起来栩栩如生,以至于诱使观众质疑它们是否真实。

Through steady and serious work, niharika Rajput intends to create a sculpture for every living bird. The young artist has produced many amazing replicas, and she has spared no effort to apply precise features to each theme, making the sculptures look lifelike, so that the audience can be tempted to question whether they are true or not.

Niharika Rajput通过研究纸张可以探索不同物种的特征,同时也为她提供了一种途径来提高印度和世界其他地区对动物濒危的认识并促进鸟类保护。

By studying paper, niharika Rajput can explore the characteristics of different species, and at the same time provide her with a way to improve the awareness of endangered animals and promote bird protection in India and other parts of the world.

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