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english world英语世界手抄报图片

  • 2017-09-01 00:00:00
  • 来源:苗苗手抄报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 1 次

english world英语世界手抄报

Save the world英语世界手抄报内容:

How to protect the environment becomes one of the biggest problems in the world. We can find that rubbish not only pollutes our environment but also does harms to people’s health. So we should not throw rubbish onto the ground. Some factories are pouring waste water into the rivers, the lakes and the fields. It can make a difference to the environment. It can pollute plant. Sometimes it can kill lots of fish.
We must keep our environment clean and tidy. We have only one earth. We must try our best to protect her, and keep our home more beautiful and greener.


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