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  • 2018-01-20 00:00:00
  • 来源:苗苗手抄报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 1 次


I love studying English手抄报资料:

I love studying English because I had a wonderful English teacher during junior high. She speaks beautiful English, her classes are great fun. We always listened to nice English songs and chants. We often had games and competitions in her class. She encouraged us to listen, read and speak more. As a result, we all made great progress and fell in love with English. Now I still keep a diary in English. I listen to nice English songs whenenver possible. I watch films in English. I chat with my friends in English on QQ during weekends. And I go to Baidu to help those who are in need whenever I can. I'm really lucky to have such an amazing English teacher and I want to be a good teacher like her too. I just want more people to love English, not just love learning it.

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