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成语大全造句 残羹冷炙造句

  • 2020-05-21 10:25:16
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. Many mammal skeletons collected from herto have cut marks left by stone tools, but we don't know whether these animals were killed by the herto people or the remains left to the herto people after being killed by other predators.


成语大全造句 残羹冷炙造句

3. At present, only beggars and scavengers are allowed to search for garbage and make a living by selling recycling bottles.


4. In that year's famine, our father died, and we had no choice but to go to a large family to do chores and beg for some leftovers.


5. The helpers in the old society could only live on the scraps of their masters.


6. Her love with him finally came to this step, which seemed like a piece of cake, and taught him to abandon. And she, alone aftertaste, bitter sorrow. Cold and fierce


7. The waiter poured the leftovers into the slops bucket.


8. On the table is the scraps of a delicious meal, which was obtained after looting all the shops in the town the day before yesterday.


9. The liver and intestines refine the iron between the furnaces. The rich and noble three guards rest on the butterflies. The snake in the two word cup has a reputation. The wind is sharp and the snow is thin. The scraps are cold. The thatched cottage is covered with blue lights and bamboo fences.


10. A senior person in New York said that if everyone knows how to find a good wine, everyone will flock together, and we can't even eat the leftovers.


11. Before liberation, Grandpa worked as a long-term laborer for the landlord. He ate the leftovers and slept on the wet floor, so that he suffered a lot.


12. As for the leftovers, even the delicacies of the mountains and the seafood, or the water and land are old, they still can't reach a bowl of hot fried rice with eggs.

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