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关联词无论 还是造句 词语造句

  • 2020-05-21 10:40:20
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


(10) Lily is a new student from dance school. She is careful whether she rehearses in the classroom or eats in the dining room. She is afraid of making mistakes!

关联词无论 还是造句 词语造句


(11) No matter what the result is, I will continue to Nuri as always.


(12) Several of their classmates, no matter in study or in physical exercise, are always in the same boat.


(13) Whether it's calligraphy or painting, we have to work hard to do it hand in hand.


(14) He is good at putting the finishing touches, whether speaking or writing.


(15) Whether fighting against the enemy or against nature, we must know ourselves and the enemy, so as to defeat the enemy and achieve the desired goal.


(16) Whether Zhang sanlisi or Wang wuzhaoliu, leaders are treated equally.


(17) We are all like-minded in our studies and elsewhere.


(18) Now the life is good, no matter the village is yellow headed or widowed, they all live and work in peace and have a happy life.


(19) Both of them are equal in character and technology.


(20) In those years, no matter in the sun or in the wind or rain, we all rushed to the stadium without hesitation.

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