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关联词造句 仿佛仿佛造句

  • 2020-05-21 10:42:02
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

(1) 天上的小星星一闪一闪仿佛一眨一眨的仿佛期待什么。

(1) The little stars in the sky flicker as if they are expecting something.

关联词造句 仿佛仿佛造句

(2) 成长,仿佛是漫长的蝉蜕,又仿佛是瞬间的重生。

(2) Growth, as if it is a long cicada exuviation, as if it is a moment of rebirth.

(3) 雪真的好冷,好冷,我此刻从来没有感到这样的孤独。仿佛我站在一个被世界遗弃的角落,仿佛我是一个被全世界抛弃的浪人。

(3) The snow is really cold. I have never felt so lonely at the moment. As if I stood in a corner abandoned by the world, as if I was a loafer abandoned by the whole world.

(4) 这陡峻的岩石耸立着,仿佛在无声地叙述着什么,又仿佛在期待着什么,沉思着什么。

(4) The precipitous rock stands as if it is describing something silently, as if it is looking forward to something and pondering something.

(5) 望着那轮明月,我仿佛又见到了奶奶,仿佛又听到她用那沙哑又慈祥的声音,饶有趣味地讲着我童年的趣事。

(5) Looking at the bright moon, I seemed to see my grandmother again, as if I heard her talking about my childhood with her hoarse and kind voice.

(6) 他那对黑眼睛眉飞色舞,仿佛觉得眼前这整个局面倒很有趣,仿佛这震天动地的爆炸声和一派恐怖的火光只不过是吓吓小孩子罢了。

(6) His black eyes were full of eyebrows, as if he thought the whole situation was very interesting, as if the earth shaking explosion and a terrible fire were just frightening children.

(7) 我仿佛想到了仿佛怎么造句。

(7) I thought about how to make sentences.

(8) 四年风华烟云,仿佛留下了很多痕迹,又仿佛春梦一场,转眼灰飞烟灭,什么都没留下。一草

(8) Four years of wind and cloud, as if left a lot of traces, and as if a spring dream, in a blink of an eye, nothing left. A grass

(9) 不过飞起来该多好。身体交给风暴仿佛风暴可以避开,仿佛身体是纸的,夹层的,可以随手扔进废纸篓,也可以和另一个身体对折起来,获得天上的永久地址。欧阳江河

(9) But how nice to fly. Body to storm as if storm can be avoided, as if the body is paper, sandwich, can be thrown into the wastebasket, can also fold up with another body, get the permanent address in the sky. Ouyang River

(10) 一切似乎都逝去了,一切似乎又遗留下来了。仿佛是不再痛苦的痛苦,仿佛是不再悲哀的悲哀。钱钢

(10) Everything seems to have passed away, everything seems to be left behind. As if it is no longer painful pain, as if it is no longer sad sorrow. Qiangang

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