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  • 2020-07-20 14:33:30
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1、 都成了烤熟的五花肉了,就差点为自己带盐了。

1. It's all cooked pork. I almost brought salt for myself.

2、 “哪凉快哪待着去”--这话真不是骂人的。

2. "Stay where it's cool" -- it's not a curse.


3、 化了一个小时的妆,打开门素颜了。

3. After an hour's make-up, I opened the door and became plain.

4、 我被自来水烫伤了。

4. I was scalded by running water.

5、 出门五分钟,流汗两小时。

5. Five minutes out, two hours of sweat.

6、 想让萧敬腾每天都在我的城市。

6. I want Xiao Jingteng to be in my city every day.

7、 屋里蒸馒头;屋外铁板烧!

7. Steamed bread in the house; iron plate outside!

8、 我和烤肉之前只差一撮孜然。

8. I'm just a little short of cumin before the barbecue.

9、 有个人摔了跤,导致脸部重度烫伤。

9. A man fell, causing severe burns to his face.

10、 桌子太烫麻将刚摆好居然糊了!

10. The table is too hot. The mahjong has just been set and pasted!

11、 想飞上天和太阳肩并肩!

11. Want to fly to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun!

12、 有一个人死了,这个人叫“热”。搞笑的句子

12. There is a man dead, this person is called "hot". Funny sentences

13、 王母娘娘:我看不如将蟠桃宴改为泼水节,让大家好好凉快凉快。

13. Queen Mother: I think it's better to change the flat peach banquet into a water splashing Festival, so that everyone can be cool and cool.

14、 月老:现在找对象都兴看星座,不管天冷天热,一律找水瓶座,解渴。

14. Yuelao: now looking for objects are interested in looking for constellations. No matter whether it's cold or hot, you'll find Aquarius to quench your thirst.

15、 玉皇大帝:天庭已掌握核心技术,很快会在凌霄宝殿上安装一台巨型中央空调。

15. Jade Emperor: the sky court has mastered the core technology, and will soon install a giant central air conditioner on the LingXiao palace.

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