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排比句示例 苗苗造句大全

  • 2020-05-21 10:43:49
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


排比句示例 苗苗造句大全

1. Honesty is the smile on the face of children when they put the money they found in the hands of police uncles. It is the flash in the eyes of young pioneers when they swear. Integrity is the spring breeze sent by Jiao Yulu when he pushed the local chaimen open. It is the deep feeling that Kong Fansen covered the frostbitten feet of the old Tibetan mother into his arms. Honesty is the call of "the Chinese people stand up from now on" made by the founding leaders in the face of the first ray of dawn of new China. Integrity is the decision of "China wants to achieve great rejuvenation" made by the leaders who have inherited the past and opened up the future.


2. Pain is the groping in the dark, and the way forward is full of bumps; pain is the sorrow that no one understands, and helplessly faces all setbacks; pain is the deepest torture of the soul, without tears and without words; pain is the expression that is born without, and the devil in troubles.


3. Still life is the beauty of solidifying, moving scenery is the beauty of flowing; straight line is the beauty of flowing, curve is the beauty of graceful; noisy city is the beauty of flourishing, quiet village is the beauty of elegant. There is beauty everywhere in life, as long as you have a pair of eyes that find beauty and a heart that understands beauty.


4. What is life? Different people have different views. Some people say that life is like wine. Childhood is like a cocktail, colorful, sweet and aftertaste; youth is like a cold beer, dark and cool, but bitter at the same time; middle age is like a strong wine, pure and colorless, spicy, which will make you hot all over your bowels; old age is like wine, which will last for a long time and make you feel sweet in the fragrance. (what is life)


5. Like spring, it's Ding Dong's movement; like moonlight, it's pouring cool; like frogs, it's summer night's sound; like mountains, it's majestic singing.

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