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排比句 词语造句大全

  • 2020-05-21 10:45:03
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


排比句 词语造句大全

6. Galileo, Newton and Edison are human beings or gods. Their shortcomings and mistakes are inevitable, but this does not prevent them from becoming "giants". Who can deny that Galileo established or discovered the laws of falling bodies, inertia, motion of throwing objects and isochronous phenomena of pendulum vibration in physics? Who can define Newton as the founder of classical physics? Who can say that Edison is a great inventor who has made great contribution to human material civilization?


7. Understanding is a warm spring wind, which can melt the ice in people's hearts; understanding is a warm sunshine, which can dispel the clouds accumulated in people's hearts; understanding is a continuous spring rain, which can wash the dust falling in people's hearts; understanding is a gentle breeze, which can extinguish the anger accumulated in people's hearts; understanding is a drop of crystal dew, which can nourish people The dry land in our hearts.


8. Things in the world are often divided into two parts. Although failure is the result that everyone doesn't want to get, sometimes it can inspire people's tenacity; poverty is the life that everyone doesn't want to live, but sometimes it can become the power of people's struggle; pain is the emotion that everyone doesn't want to experience, but sometimes it can create people's strong character. Therefore, we need to use a dialectical point of view.


9. Stupidity is a natural helplessness, an acquired laziness, a bad fruit planted by oneself, and a moth in a good fruit.


10. Have youth, have a natural and unrestrained and romantic; have youth, have a brilliant and brilliant. With knowledge, you have unlimited light and hope; with knowledge, you have unlimited power and wealth. With friendship, you have an understanding and support; with friendship, you have a happiness and warmth. With the Internet, you have time and space; with the Internet, you have the world and dreams.

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