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排比句造句 小学生词语造句

  • 2020-05-21 10:46:02
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


11. Like torrential rain, it is a rapid drumbeat; like whirlwind, it is a flying tassel; like random frog, it is a jumping step; like spark, it is a flashing pupil; like fighting tiger, it is a strong posture.

排比句造句 小学生词语造句


12. Desire is the whip in the hands of colonists, the baton in Hitler's hands, and the seal in his hands.


13. As the old saying goes: "every step is a thousand miles away; no small stream is a river or a sea." All those who have made great contributions to the world, all start from a small place, pay attention to the accumulation of little by little, consciously cultivate their own moral ability, and constantly improve themselves. If we don't have the perseverance of listening to chickens and dancing every day, then how can zuti go north to the Central Plains and be famous for thousands of years! How can Wang Xizhi be regarded as a saint of calligraphy if he doesn't have the time to spend a lot of time in painting the pool? How can Chen Jingrun get a world-renowned pearl if he doesn't spend half his life studying the rough draft of calculus?


14. Insidious is a wolf in sheep's clothing, doing invisible activities; insidious is a kind public enemy, jealous friend; insidious is an iceberg of the soul, making people feel the chill through the clarity.

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