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汉子组词造句 苹字组词造句

  • 2020-05-21 10:52:55
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
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苹婆:[ píng pó ] 梵语bimba音译。苹果。 英文翻译 Apple

Ping Po: [P í ng P ó] transliteration of BiMBA in Sanskrit. Apple. English translation apple

汉子组词造句 苹字组词造句

青苹:[ qīng píng ] 一种生于浅水中的草本植物。 英文翻译 Ping Ping

Apple: [Q ī ng P í ng] a herb that grows in shallow water. Ping Ping

苹苹:[ píng píng ] 草聚生貌。 英文翻译 lush

Apple: [P í ng P í ng] the appearance of grass growing together. English translation lush

苹风:[ píng fēng ] 掠过苹草之风;微风。 英文翻译 Ping Feng

The wind [P í ng f ē ng] over the apple grass; a breeze. Ping Feng, English translation

水苹:即苹。 三国 魏 曹植 《七启》:"採菱华,擢水苹。" 唐 白居易 《江楼早秋》诗:"清风水苹叶,白露木兰枝。" 英文翻译 Water apple

Water apple: apple. Cao Zhi of the Three Kingdoms, Qi Qi Qi, said, "collect Linghua and promote Shuiping. "Tang Bai Juyi's poem" early autumn in Jianglou ":" the wind blows, the water makes apple leaves, and the dew makes Magnolia branches. ". "Water apple

苹末:[ píng mò ] 1.苹的叶尖。指风所起处。语出战国楚宋玉《风赋》:"夫风生於地,起於青苹之末。"唐李峤《风》诗:"落日生苹末,摇扬徧远林。" 2.风起则苹叶动,故亦用为微风的代称。

Apple: [P í ng m ò] 1. The tip of apple. It refers to the place where the wind starts. It is said in Fengfu, a jade of Chu and Song dynasties in the Warring States Period: "the wind of a man is born in the earth, and begins at the end of the green apple. "Tang Li Qiao's" wind "poem:" the setting sun begets the end of apple, shaking the forest far away. "2. When the wind blows, the apple leaves move, so it is also called the breeze.

藻苹:[ zǎo píng ] 藻与苹。亦以指祭品。 英文翻译 Algal apple

Apple: [Z ǎ o p í ng] apple and apple. It also refers to sacrifice. English Translation: algal apple

苹萦:回旋貌。 《文选·马融<长笛赋>》:"争湍苹縈。" 李善 注:"苹縈,迴旋之貌。" 英文翻译 revolving

Ping Ying: you look good. "Wen Xuan Ma Rong" flute Fu ":" competing for turbulence is lingering. "Li Shanzhu:" Apple lingering, the appearance of convolution. "English translation

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