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  • 2020-05-25 10:25:54
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


In the process of designing the newspaper by hand, the president of the newspaper must closely cooperate with the theme and vividly reflect the main idea of the newspaper. The application of newspaper industry must obtain a positive, healthy and meaningful name.


The headline is generally determined by the subject characters, characters and geometric color blocks or lace, or serious or lively, or square or round, or plain or thick.


Notes on making a copy of newspaper by hand


The design of manual header should pay attention to:

(1) 画面构图要稳定,画面结构要紧凑,报头的设计和表达要简洁,体现手抄报纸的主题,具有“一目了然”的效果;

(1) The composition of the picture should be stable, the structure of the picture should be compact, the design and expression of the newspaper head should be concise, and the theme of the paper should be reflected, with the effect of "clear at a glance";

(2) 字体、行号、楷体、彩色、黑白;

(2) Font, line number, regular script, color, black and white;

(3) 它的位置有几种设计方案:第一,如果布局设计为两个布局,则应放置在右上角;第二,如果布局设计为整体布局,则可以居中、左上角或右上角。一般来说,它们是在布局的上部设计的,不应该放在下部。

(3) There are several design schemes for its location: first, if the layout is designed as two layouts, it should be placed in the upper right corner; second, if the layout is designed as a whole, it can be centered, in the upper left corner or in the upper right corner. In general, they are designed at the top of the layout and should not be placed at the bottom.

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