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可爱说说萌萌哒 可爱说说大全

  • 2020-06-15 10:50:57
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. Sometimes I feel like you. It's like eating too much and bursting.


2. If I don't look energetic, maybe I'm tired, maybe I'm sick, but the biggest possibility is that I'm hungry.



3. I will make onions in the next life. Whoever bullies me will make me cry.


4. Just out of the gate of the community in the morning, a five or six-year-old Lori hugged my thigh and cried: "uncle, you married me!"! I was in a mess, suddenly heard a voice behind: you are married, today also have to go to school for me!


5. Will you like me? No, I'll teach you


6. Every student has a magic skill of finishing his homework in one day, but it can only break out on the last day of the holiday.


7. Passing by the high school classroom and seeing the blackboard, I think English is very difficult. That's math!


8. The pet food company conducts market research, and the one who answers the phone is a child. Investigator: do you have a dog, a cat or a rabbit? Child: No, my mommy gave birth to me!



9. I can cook all kinds of instant noodles. Would you like to consider marrying me.


10. Today, I saw a woman chasing a man. She was super cute. She said, "be my boyfriend, OK?"? Yes, I can. I'll think of another way.


11. I especially like the teacher's outburst, scolding us for a class, and then finishing class.


12. Father tells story to his son: Once upon a time, there was a frog son: is there any science fiction story? Father: Once upon a time, there was a frog son in space: is there a restricted class? Father: Shh ~ keep it down. Don't let your mother hear you. Once upon a time, there was a naked frog


13. Find, find, find a friend, find a boyfriend, kiss, hold hands, and have a child in the evening.


14. My mother asked my five-year-old son: if my father and mother quarreled, which side would you stand on? The child seriously thought for a moment, firmly said: stand by!


15. The teacher said that a mistake is a kind of wealth. I looked at my paper and found that I was a local tyrant.


16. There was a six-year-old niece at home. At lunch that day, she talked about what she liked to eat. As a result, the niece said, "when my father is so old, he still eats my mother's milk. You can't lose it."

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