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搞笑个性说说 qq空间签名大全

  • 2020-06-17 09:36:49
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. If I hadn't met a self determined hairdresser that year, I would have found another half.



2. In the past, you can quit the game you are playing for one person. Now you can ignore anyone for the game.


3. The boss who talks with you about money is a good person. The ideal boss who talks with you doesn't want to give you money!


4. When I was a child, my mother would make a cup of coffee for me whenever I was ill. She said gently: foreigners all drink this. I'm always afraid of coffee when I'm young. Now I go all over Milo, Shangdao, cat shit and Starbucks, but I can't find the taste of childhood again, until one day I drank a cup of isatis root.


5. Every time I say I don't care about you anymore, don't believe me. Am I like a person with principles?


6. A simple person like me can't do such a clever math problem.


7. The zombie opens your mind, shakes its head and walks away disappointed, but the shit beetle passing by is bright.


8. A Lamborghini just drove by me and splashed me with water. At that time, I vowed that when I got rich, I would buy a raincoat of my own.



9. After all, not every relationship can have a perfect ending. That's what math and I do.


10. The vast sea of people, we can meet fate accounted for 10%, I look good accounted for 90%.


11. Forgive me for attending in full dress, holding the water pen in my hand, frowning tightly and writing hard, just to help Xueba.


12. In a class in junior high school, the math teacher wrote the process of solving a blackboard full of problems. When my hand was about to break, she made a big fork on the blackboard: this solution is wrong.


13. We must work hard so that we can play mobile phones on the sofa.


14. Because of his introverted personality, he has been unable to rush to check out. QQ personality talk about Daquan.


15. When you meet someone you like, pursue bravely. Only in this way can you know that there is more than one person who refuses you.


16. Girls should never go out alone in the evening. It's really dangerous. There's no one to dissuade them from barbecue dessert all over the street. They can't help but go into a house casually. They need to grow several jin.

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