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  • 2020-07-15 10:44:43
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次



1. Uncle Qi said, "love is to see a group of young people in the yard from a distance across the railing. They say, laugh and sing. What do they sing? It's a graduation song. You can see a face smiling, the breeze, blowing her skirt, a pair of hands holding a wool shawl is so beautiful ~ ~ you ~ ~ left, wait, wait, wait for a lifetime


2. Perhaps the most cruel thing in the world is not love and hate, but passing each other but "forgetting each other in the river and lake".


3. The furthest distance in the world is not life and death, but standing in front of you but not saying "I love you".


4. I stayed here all my life and really knew everything here. I finally understood why you came and left that year. The beauty here is the beauty that makes people lose and despair. It is the trace left by the passing of time. In fact, our name has long been engraved on the stone wall of Wuzhen Town, as if the story was destined to happen, and also destined to end in this way. We have loved, in the past years of youth, we cherish that love, and try to prove that love is something that can have no reason, no distance, no answer. At least we have done this, and not only we have done it, but they are the same. There is a poet named Neruda. He said that when the gorgeous leaves are exhausted, the context of life can be vividly seen. Is it our love that can be as clear, brave and strong as the branches of the north in winter only when the time of frost dyed green silk is gone. We have been drunk in the water, let time like water, like water time.


5. That night, I fled from the heavy rain, not to escape my hometown, but to escape my memory


6. What day is today? Yesterday's tomorrow, tomorrow's yesterday.


7. He did not know fate, but worked for it day and night. He knew love, but fell into a nihilistic waiting.


8. All our miracles are that I walk to you and you come to me.

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