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经典爱情电影 恋恋笔记本台词

  • 2020-07-15 10:51:07
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次




2. In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership, or even your love. Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years


3. Noah: "my dearest ally. I couldn't sleep last night because I knew our love was over. I don't feel pain, because I know we really love each other. If we can meet again in the new life in the future, I will smile at you happily, and I will think of our summer time under the tree, our understanding of each other and our love in a better situation. The ultimate love can awaken the soul, it makes us pursue more, let us be angry and calm, that is what you give me. That's what I want to give you. I love you! Goodbye


4. I love another person with all my heart, for me; that's enough.


5. Love does not have so many excuses, if the end can not be together, can only show that love is not enough.


6. The boundless life, or there is a person. Fall in love and forget yourself. Do not ask the original heart, not for phase, do not hope to be together, do not depend on each other. I only wish to live together with my son when I am young.


7. I'm nothing special. I'm just an ordinary person with common ideas. I live an ordinary life. No one builds a monument for me, writes books and praises. My name will soon be forgotten. But in one thing, I'm more successful than anyone else. I love someone with all my heart, and it's enough for me.


8. "Do you think our love can work wonders?" "I think so, because love brings you back to me every time." "Do you think our love can take us with us?" "I think our love can make us omnipotent." "I love you." "I love you, too." "Good night."


9. The best love can awaken our souls, inspire us to pursue our ideals, ignite the fire of passion in our hearts, and bring peace to our hearts.


10. In my opinion, I have only three choices: 1. I can shoot him; 2. I can let him go; 3. I can leave you; either is not good, because... No matter which I choose, I can't get you, but anyway, I still love you.


11. The most touching thing is not how much love Noah and ally were at that time, and everyone was involved in their first love. Instead, they missed each other for many years, and they had other people around them, but when they met again, Noah and Ellie chose each other. Fade the hormone of youth, I still choose you!

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