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夏茗悠语录 名人名言语录

  • 2020-07-15 10:38:09
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


  1. Some things change, but some don't. You refuse me thousands of miles away, but I will come from thousands of miles away to heal you, even if you don't need it. You think I'm a landscape, but I'm obsessed with it. This is how true love goes through time.

    夏茗悠语录 名人名言语录


2. Because of your existence, let me become not me. The soul is reeling, leaving only the poisonous blood in the body. Subtly triggered every inch of my sensitivity and weakness, abandon all original intention, pay all costs, want to surpass you.

3、如果太阳此刻熄灭光芒,地球上的人要八分钟后才知道。 —— 太阳熄灭光芒后的这八分钟,会和往常一样温暖。直到真正的黑暗降临那一刻,所有人都不会觉察这只是虚幻的温暖。

3. If the sun goes out now, it will take eight minutes for people on earth to know. ——Eight minutes after the sun goes out, it will be as warm as usual. Until the moment when the real darkness comes, no one will realize that this is just an imaginary warmth.

4、每天,不计其数的人看向我,招呼我,朝我微笑。 但我知道自始至终,我只是孤身一人。一睁眼,就分裂成无数个自己。

4. Every day, countless people look at me, greet me and smile at me. But I know I've been alone all along. As soon as I open my eyes, I split into countless myself.


5. Only when the stars meet with them can they light up the night sky. We can't expect stars and gravel to have intersecting tracks, one in the sky, the other deep underwater.


6. The accumulated understanding in the passing years, the familiar voice lines when talking face to face, even in a distant place, passing through doors or windows, walls or railings, can recognize that the trait belongs to him. But the voice through the long telephone line, heavy knock on the heart, but suddenly become strange, I do not know whether the space is wrong, or time dislocation.

7、伪装的欢笑,伪装的阳光与开朗, 可以迷惑很多局外人,只是骗不了自己。 离开的人幸运地幸福地安眠了,而被留下的人睁着双眼, 才要阅尽这黑白的荒芜世界里所有的凄凉与悲恸。

7. Disguised laughter, disguised sunshine and cheerful, can confuse many outsiders, but can not deceive themselves. Those who leave are lucky to sleep happily, while those who are left behind open their eyes to read all the desolation and sadness in this black and white barren world.


8. If a wish before blowing the candle works, can you still like me as a birthday gift?


9. When the balloon is rocked to a certain height, it will burst without hesitation. Unlike kites, they also have to endure the sharp pain of the moment of disconnection. To put it bluntly, freedom is nothing that can be lost. What I have is my final bottom line.


10. Every corner of the world, there are gray dust.

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