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乐嘉语录 名人语录

  • 2020-07-15 11:00:03
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. Know now you need a hug, I give you. It has nothing to do with friendship, love, mentality, state of mind, hope, disappointment, faith and belief. I just want to tell you that you are not a person.


乐嘉语录 名人语录

2. Life is a station, in and out; yesterday, is a landscape, see, blurred; time is a passer-by, remember, forget; life is a funnel, got, lost; friendship is a table, hot, cold; lost is an attitude, indulgence, convergence; life is a calm, also cry, also smile.


3. Don't let yourself live too hard. We should learn to be open-minded and indifferent, learn not to demand, and learn to hide deeply. At the right time to relax themselves, looking for catharsis, to relieve the tired mind. The reason why people will worry is that they have a good memory and remember those things that should not be remembered. So remember the happy things and forget the things that make you sad.


4. What can be said may not be too concerned; what can be written can be put down in fact; what exists in the heart is what can not be let go.


5. My world has been without you for a long time. Occasionally think of you, recall the past, those are no longer clear, those fading past, I have no great joy, no great sorrow. I do not expect to have a vigorous love, but also afraid to swear. People grow up more lonely. Love grows more and more cowardly. This world reality is terrible, who can be as desperate as it was?


6. Get if you're not happy. Let the person who should be happy, lose if can make others happy; why take their own depression as a dowry, if you know how to cherish. You will find that you get more and more If you blindly pursue, you will find that the loss is faster and faster.

7、哥们,如果不擅长讨女孩欢心,那就去讨自己的未来欢心吧。男人,不是来征服女人的,而是来征服世界的。 你一生担负的责任很多,但最重要的是四个,对自己的父母负责,对自己的未来负责,对自己的女人和、感、情负责,对这个世界负责。

7. Man, if you're not good at making girls happy, then go and please your future. Men, not to conquer women, but to conquer the world. You have a lot of responsibilities in your life, but the most important ones are four. Be responsible for your parents, for your future, for your women's peace, feelings and feelings, and for the world.


8. Atheists say: I believe what I can see, and I don't believe what I can't see. The Taoist asked: there is a hall thousands of meters away in front of you. But when the night covers your eyes, does the hall exist? Atheist: of course, it's just covered by the night. The Taoist said: what is the night? You believe in night and day believe in day? No matter you can see or not, the hall is there. Only when you are blocked by the night, the hall disappears in your heart!

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