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2020经典笑话集 笑话大全成人笑话

  • 2020-06-29 14:31:20
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1. 众里寻他千百度蓦然回首那人依旧对我不屑一顾。

1. Looking for him in the crowd, suddenly looking back, the man still despised me.


2. 有一种爱叫我无所谓有一种被爱叫算我倒霉。

2. There is a kind of love that doesn't matter to me. There is a kind of being loved that counts as my misfortune.

3. 秋天睡觉的最高境界吹着风扇盖着棉被。

3. The highest level of sleeping in autumn is blowing the fan and covering the quilt.

4. 上今天的班睡昨天的觉!

4. Sleep yesterday in today's class!

5. 一切问题最终都是时间问题一切烦恼其实都是自寻烦恼。

5. All problems are ultimately time problems, and all troubles are actually self seeking troubles.

6. 心里的话说出来可能是诗但是留在肚子里肯定会变成屎。

6. What you say in your heart may be poetry, but if you leave it in your stomach, it will turn into excrement.

7. 有些人去死都和我没关系;有些人弄死我我都放不下。

7. It doesn't matter to me that some people go to death; I can't let some people kill me.

8. 你是什么样的货色就会给你什么样的脸色要我做作的来讨好你你妄想。

8. What kind of goods you are will give you what kind of face. I will make a pretence to please you. You have delusions.

9. 别人笑我太淫荡我笑他人不开放。

9. Others laugh at me for being obscene, and I laugh at others for not being open.

10. 不要说别人脑子有病脑子有病的前提是必须有个脑子。

10. Don't say that the premise of other people's brain is that they must have a brain.


Excerpt of the latest highlights in 2019

1. 物价涨得太快所以我在餐馆吃饭的时候都会先付钱。

Prices are rising so fast that I always pay in advance when I eat in restaurants.

2. 玩归玩闹归闹姐你永远得不到。

2. You will never get it.

3. 收起你的爱吧我打假都打累了。

3. Put away your love. I'm tired of cracking down on counterfeit goods.

4. 其实我并不笨只是懒得聪明罢了。

4. In fact, I'm not stupid but lazy and smart.

5. 自从离开你别人就问我:你老把眼球泡在眼泪里消毒呐?

5. Since I left you, others asked me: do you always put eyeballs in tears to disinfect?

6. 几十个美女说我帅我没承认她们就用砖头砸我说我虚伪。

6. Dozens of beauties said I was handsome. I didn't admit it. They hit me with bricks and said I was hypocritical.

7. 单身的典型标志就是一个月流量套餐早没了通话套餐还剩一大半。

7. The typical sign of being single is that one month's traffic plan is long gone, and there is still more than half of the call plan.

8. 出问题先从自己身上找原因别一便秘就怪地球没引力。

8. If there is a problem, first find out the reason from yourself. Don't blame the earth for its lack of gravity when you are constipated.

9. 我早上看时间不是为了看几点了而是为了看还可以睡多久。

9. I look at the time in the morning not to see what time it is, but to see how long I can sleep.

10. 给我一个女人我就能创造出一个民族!回复:给你一头母猪明年的肉价就能下跌吗?

10. Give me a woman and I will create a nation! Reply: will the price of a sow for you fall next year?

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