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生活笑话摘要 搞笑段子大全

  • 2020-05-21 11:00:58
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1. 用只要就造句:只要老师教得好,我就学得好。老师点评:主要还是靠自己的哦。

1. Make sentences as long as you use them: as long as the teacher teaches well, I will learn well. Teacher comments: mainly depends on their own Oh.

生活笑话摘要 搞笑段子大全

2. 班上一位同学的造句超级感人和孝顺,用如果就造句:如果我变成母鸡,就给妈妈下蛋吃.

2. A classmate's sentence making is super moving and filial. If I become a hen, I will lay eggs for my mother

3. 小朋友的造句显得残酷但却真实:农场里的鸡有的被抓去做鸡精,有的被拿去煮鸡汤,还有的被做成鸡爪了。。。

3. The children's sentences are cruel but true: some of the chickens in the farm are caught to make chicken essence, some are taken to cook chicken soup, and some are made into chicken feet...

4. 一干二净

4. Clean up


I got the bank clean


(the one who made this sentence is a very good girl. Pour!)


5. Ups and downs


I'm jumping from one place to another in the classroom


God, there are so many of you. I'm afraid of you

6. 题目:一…便…

6. Title: 1 Then


The children wrote: as soon as my brother finished eating, he would defecate.


True but disgusting.

7. 题目:十分

7. Title: Ten


I got ten in the exam today.


Teacher's comment: I will tell your parents

8. 记得小学,老师叫用那么。。那么造句,正常的应该是天那么蓝,地那么宽这类的,结果一奇葩同学起来说,我那么喜欢她,她那么不喜欢我,全班大笑。

8. Remember the primary school, the teacher called so.. The normal thing is that the sky is so blue and the ground is so wide. As a result, a wonderful classmate said that I like her so much and she doesn't like me so much. The whole class laughed.

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