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校园笑话二三则 搞笑沙雕笑话段子

  • 2020-05-21 11:04:05
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1. 用不仅..而且造句,学生造句如下:我考试分数极低,不仅刺激了我的眼睛,而且刺伤了我的嘴巴,不想吃饭!看了有种说不出的味道哎。。。

1. Use not only... But also make sentences. Students make sentences as follows: my exam score is very low, which not only irritates my eyes, but also stabs my mouth, and I don't want to eat! I see an unspeakable taste...

校园笑话二三则 搞笑沙雕笑话段子

2. 用又又造句,一学生的造句:我把鼻屎吃了,又香又咸。实在是太恶了。。。

2. Use and make a sentence, a student's sentence: I eat the nose shit, which is fragrant and salty. It's too bad...

3. 老师:用“一……就……”造几个句子给我听。

3. Teacher: use "one Just... " Make some sentences for me.


A: I'll add clothes as soon as it gets cold.


B: as soon as a adds clothes, I know it's getting cold.


C: as soon as the weather gets cold, add clothes.


Teacher: ?

4. 一边一边造句,外甥的造句太牛了:

4. While making sentences, my nephew's sentences are too good:


Get out of my way, get out of my way!

5. 题目: 原来

5. Title: Original

小朋友写: 原来他是我爸爸。

The child wrote: he is my father.

老师评语: 妈妈关切一下

Teacher's comment: Mom is concerned

6. 题目: 你看

6. Title: look

小朋友写: 你看什么看 ! 没看过啊!

What do you look at? I haven't read it!

7. 例题: 别人都夸我( ),其实我( )

7. Example: people praise me (), but I ()

小朋友写: 别人都夸我( 很帅 ),其实我( 是戴面具的 )。

The child wrote: others praised me (very handsome), in fact, I (is wearing a mask).

老师评语: 什么面具这么好用???

Teacher's comment: what mask is so easy to use???

8. 题目: 天涯海角

8. Title: ends of the earth

小朋友写: 妹妹乱跑跑到天涯海角。

My sister ran to the ends of the earth.

老师评语: 你妹妹真会跑~~

Teacher's comment: your sister can really run~~

友情链接: 学习帮


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