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小学生造句笑话 幽默段子摘抄

  • 2020-05-21 11:05:31
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1. 老师让小明用一个...另一个造句,小明答曰:我两个姐姐一个是女的,另一个也是女的...

1. The teacher asked Xiaoming to make a sentence with one... The other. Xiaoming replied: one of my two elder sisters is female, the other is also female

小学生造句笑话 幽默段子摘抄

2.用天气造句,同桌:“妈妈今天气得不得了,因为爸爸和阿姨多说了几句话。” 同学们还都没反应,把语文老师笑喷了。

2. Use the weather to make sentences. At the same table: "mom has a wonderful weather today, because Dad and aunt have said a few more words." The students didn't respond. They laughed at the Chinese teacher.


3. I live on the third floor. I don't have an elevator. When I go home, I go to the second floor. When I go to the next floor, I go home.

4.老师给出以下词语让同学们造句:小红、我的、是、朋友。 小宇:小红是我的朋友。 老师:嗯,非常好。 小蓝:我的朋友是小红。 老师:不错不错。 小明:朋友,小红是我的。 老师:你给老子滚…………

4. The teacher gave the following words for students to make sentences: Xiaohong, my, yes, friend. Xiaoyu: Xiaohong is my friend. Teacher: Well, very good. Xiaolan: my friend is Xiaohong. Teacher: not bad. Xiaoming: friend, Xiaohong is mine. Teacher: get out of here


5. When I was a child, I used to make sentences with "hazy". I really didn't know what it meant, so I had to write "I don't know what it meant."


6. I am really uncomfortable with the sentences made by the students: you are old, teacher.


7. The more... The more sentences are made, the more leopard courage a student has eaten: the more he looks at the teacher, the more she looks like a tiger.


8. The teacher asked us to make sentences with will. Xiao Ming: my aunt is bathing in it. My father can't go in

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