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搞笑校园段子 幽默沙雕笑话集

  • 2020-05-21 11:06:46
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1. 老师给出以下词语让同学们造句,词语:小红、我的、是、朋友。 小宇:小红是我的朋友。 老师:嗯,非常好。 小蓝:我的朋友是小红。 老师:不错不错。 小陈:朋友,小红是我的。 老师:你给老子滚…………

1. The teacher gave the following words for students to make sentences, words: Xiaohong, my, yes, friend. Xiaoyu: Xiaohong is my friend. Teacher: Well, very good. Xiaolan: my friend is Xiaohong. Teacher: not bad. Chen: friend, Xiao Hong is mine. Teacher: get out of here

搞笑校园段子 幽默沙雕笑话集

2. 老师:谁能用如果……就……造句!小明:如果男人不让女人吃饱,女人就会去找零食! 角落里:神解啊! 老师:你们都给老子滚出去

Teacher: who can use if Just Make sentences! Xiaoming: if men don't let women eat, women will find snacks! Corner: Divine solution! Teacher: get out of here

3. 今天老师问谁用浪漫造句,同桌马上站起来说:昨晚爸爸说,亲爱的你真浪,慢点行吗?

3. Today, the teacher asked who made a romantic sentence, and immediately stood up at the same table and said: last night, my father said, honey, you are really waves, can you slow down?

4. 老师:请用长城造句。小明:长城很长。老师:能不能再造一个。小明:不能,因为需要人力和财力,还有动力。人力就需要大量的钱财,所以不能造一个长城。老师:滚出去~~!

Teacher: please make sentences with the Great Wall. Xiao Ming: the Great Wall is very long. Teacher: can you make another one. Xiao Ming: No, because we need human and financial resources and motivation. People need a lot of money, so they can't build a great wall. Teacher: get out!

5. 侄子叫我帮他用波涛汹涌造句!我给他写"啊老师身材好,真是波涛汹涌!",哈哈...

5. My nephew asked me to help him make a sentence with the rough waves! I wrote to him, "ah, the teacher is in good shape. It's rough! ", ha ha

6. 一天,上语文课的时候,老师问:请用“凡是”,“就”,来造句,我立马就站起来回答:凡是遇到我不会的问题,老师就不应该叫我回答。老师当场就说:你太有才了!!!

6. One day, in the Chinese class, the teacher asked: "please use" all "and" just "to make sentences. I immediately stood up and answered:" the teacher shouldn't ask me to answer any questions I don't know. ". The teacher said on the spot: you are so talented!!!

7. 用真相大白造句,学生的造句太有创意了:小白你长的真相大白

7. Use the truth to make sentences. The students' sentences are too creative: little white, you have the truth to make sentences

8. 用要么……要么 造句……看到这个的答案真的笑扒了,儿子是这样写的:“冰棍5毛,要么,要么?

8. Use or Or make sentences Seeing the answer, my son wrote: "ice hockey is fifty cents, either, or?

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