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词语造句 造句笑话集锦

  • 2020-05-21 11:10:51
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1. 用要么……要么 造句……看到这个的答案真的笑扒了,儿子是这样写的:“冰棍5毛,要么,要么?

1. Use or Or make sentences Seeing the answer, my son wrote: "ice hockey is fifty cents, either, or?

词语造句 造句笑话集锦

2. 用呆若木鸡造句,同桌的造句令全班震惊:我是学生,每天在教室里呆若木鸡

2. The whole class was shocked by the sentences made at the same table: I am a student, and I am a chicken in the classroom every day

3. 老师:小红,请用"紧张"造句。 小红:小明说我有点紧,张开点。 老师:... 那他什么时候跟你这么说的??? 小红:课间的时候,他向我要糖,我不想给,就把拳头捏的老紧了,老师,你在想什么呢?

3. Teacher: Xiaohong, please make sentences with "tense". Xiaohong: Xiaoming says I'm a little tight. Open up. Teacher:... When did he say that to you??? Xiao Hong: during the break, he asked me for sugar. If I didn't want to give it, I would squeeze my fist tightly. What are you thinking, teacher?

4. 老师:谁能用欲罢不能造句?小明:昨天我家浴霸不能用了,洗个澡冻死爹了!老师:滚出去!!!

Teacher: who can't stop making sentences? Xiao Ming: yesterday my bath bully couldn't use it. I took a bath and froze my father to death! Teacher: get out!!!

5. 用一...就造句,儿子的句子令俺震惊:一加一就等于二

5. Make a sentence with one... And my son's sentence shocked me: one plus one equals two

6. 老师让小明用行走造句。 小明:出租车不计程,10元行吗?行,走。 老师:太有才了

6. The teacher asked Xiao Ming to make sentences by walking. Xiao Ming: Taxi doesn't take a taxi, 10 yuan is OK? OK, let's go. Teacher: so talented

7. 用一…另一…造句,小明答曰:我有两个姐姐,一个是女的,另一个也是女的。老师批语:此乃废话也。。。

7. Use one Another I have two elder sisters, one is female, the other is female. Teacher's comment: This is nonsense...

8. 用可爱造句,学生的造句令人感动:老师我可爱你了

8. It's touching to make sentences with loveliness. I love you, teacher

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