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词语组词造句 笑话造句段子

  • 2020-05-21 11:11:54
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1. 一四年级学生,用“崭新”造句,“一个崭新的植物人诞生了……”(赵本山的功劳)真人真事,绝对原创。

1. Grade one or four students use "brand new" to make sentences, "a brand new vegetable is born..." (Zhao Benshan's credit) real people and true stories, absolutely original.

2. 记得小时候用古老造句,我写道:妈妈有一双古老的手。。。真是太囧了哎

词语组词造句 笑话造句段子

2. When I was a child, I used to make old sentences. I wrote: mother has a pair of old hands... What a shame

3. 用“一边……一边……”造句 ,我:“晚上,我一边洗屁股一边洗脚,洗完就睡觉了。” 同学们还都没反应,把语文老师笑喷了。

3. Use "one side One side... " In the evening, I wash my buttocks and feet. After washing, I go to bed The students didn't respond. They laughed at the Chinese teacher.

4. 同桌问我“漫山遍野”什么意思?告之:就是‘到处都是’的意思。于是,同桌赶紧写了这样一个句子:教室里漫山遍野都是同学。

4. What do you mean by "all over the mountains"? Notice: it means "everywhere". So, the same desk quickly wrote a sentence: the classroom is full of students.

5. 激烈造句,一同学写道:突然听到一阵激烈的狗叫,出门一看原来是老姨和老姨父。

5. Fierce sentence, one student wrote: suddenly heard a fierce dog barking, went out to see that it was the old aunt and uncle.

6. 天才造句:我在冬天才穿棉衣。老师点评:虽算不上天才,但你也不傻。

I only wear cotton padded clothes in winter. Teacher comment: although not a genius, but you are not stupid.

7. 初中时期,老师叫同学们用“行走”造句,一同学写到:我朝银行走去

7. In junior high school, the teacher asked the students to make sentences with "walking". One student wrote: "I walk towards the bank."

8. 一次批语文卷,要求用“有…有…还有…”造句,一学生是这样写的:姥姥给我拿个鸡腿,我吃完了问姥姥还有吗,姥姥答:“有,有,还有!”

8. For a batch of Chinese volumes, it is required to use "have There are And In a sentence, a student wrote as follows: grandma brought me a drumstick. After I finished eating, I asked grandma if she had any more. Grandma replied, "yes, yes, there are!"

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