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词语造句 笑话大全段子

  • 2020-05-21 11:13:03
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1. 班上一学生用“因为…所以”造句.我看的时候笑到肚子痛了.内容如下“因为爸妈生了我和我弟,所以他们结婚了……”不知道是娃写错了,还是娃太诚实了...?

1. A student in the class uses "because So "make a sentence. I laughed when I saw it. The content is as follows:" because my parents gave birth to me and my brother, they got married... " I don't know if it's her fault or her honesty?

词语造句 笑话大全段子

2. 用三个没有造句,小明说,今天我去小红家里找他玩,到他家门口就敲门,说有人没有 有人没有 没有我就走了啊

2. I went to Xiaohong's house to play with him today. I knocked at the door of his house to say whether there was anyone or not. I left without him

3. 记得小时候用像。。。一样,造句。我经过深思熟虑后满意的说,爸爸的脸被妈妈打了,像红苹果一样。

3. Remember to use the image when I was a child... Same, make sentences. After careful consideration, I said with satisfaction that my father's face was beaten by my mother, like a red apple.

4. 小学的时候,老师叫我们用如果..该多好造句,哥勇敢的写上:如果每天都不上学该多好啊!于是我就在外面站了几节课

4. In primary school, the teacher asked us to use if... How easy to make sentences. Brother bravely wrote: if we don't go to school every day, how good! So I stood outside for a few classes

5. 今天让学生用“非···不可”造句,全班都很正常。唯独一个孩纸:“这里非常危险,不可以过来!”巨汗~~~

5. Today, let the students make sentences with "must not". The whole class is very normal. Only one child paper: "it's very dangerous here. You can't come here!" Hyperhidrosis~~~

6. 老师让用“白日做梦”造句,要求简短一些,一女生的答案是:白日?做梦!。。。看懂的面壁思过去吧.我被人提示"日"是动词之后才看懂的

6. The teacher asked to use "daydreaming" to make sentences, and asked to be brief. A girl's answer was: daydreaming? you must be dreaming!... Think about what you can understand. I was reminded that "day" was only understood after a verb

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