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  • 2020-06-16 10:34:37
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次





In the hotel work for a period of time, learned a lot of knowledge, the hotel's business status has been a good situation. I am very grateful to the company for giving me such an opportunity to work and study in a good environment. Although the basic business knowledge and professional knowledge in the hotel have been basically mastered, as the saying goes, "there is no end to learning", there are many aspects that need continuous learning. I've been thinking about resigning for a long time. The environment of the hotel is very protective for the waiters. In view of my personality in the hotel self-improvement and growth as a one-sided expert, in a protective environment may be difficult. I have also realized that my personality is introverted. In fact, this is a breakthrough difficulty for the hotel to cultivate talents or improve myself. Although my idea is: people need continuous development, progress and improvement. I have also been trying to change and adapt to the environment so as to play a better role. But I don't think I've made any breakthrough. I've considered for a long time and determined that I need to change the environment to hone.


The hotel staff changes a lot in the near future, so the handover may take a period. I hope to finish the handover around X. This time may be tight. If there are too many difficulties in implementation, I agree to postpone it for some time. But I hope the manager understands.


I hope that when I submit this resignation, before I leave the post, it's my job to ask the supervisor to assign, I will do my job and do what I should. In addition, I hope the supervisor doesn't detain me. In fact, I'm reluctant to leave. I don't need to explain why. But it has been decided that retention will make it more difficult for me to leave in the end. Thank you! Finally, I hope that the company's performance will continue to soar as always! The supervisor and all colleagues work smoothly!





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