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关于公众演讲 沧桑百年的演讲稿

  • 2020-05-26 13:51:20
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

Hello, teachers and students! The theme of my speech today is to remember the national humiliation and revitalize China.各位老师,各位同学大家好!今天我演讲的主题是——勿忘国耻,振兴中华。


关于公众演讲 沧桑百年的演讲稿

On October 1, 1949, new China was founded! The five-star red flag was rising and rose to the blue sky of Navajo. China is strong again, and the eastern lion is waking up!


But China also has a stigma. Yuanmingyuan is the best example. The destruction of Yuanmingyuan is an inestimable loss in the history of world culture. The rampant and barbaric actions of these aggressors make every one of us Chinese feel angry from the bottom of our hearts.


In 1895, after the defeat of the naval battle in Jiawu, Japan, a land of bullets, was ready to move, and China was bullied by them. Shame, shame


On September 18, 1931, the Japanese army launched the September 18 Incident and occupied the three northeastern provinces. The Japanese bastards did all kinds of evil!


Every Chinese should remember this painful lesson. Just like today's Diaoyu Island incident, how shameless and arrogant the Japanese right wing wants to occupy our Chinese territory. As a Chinese, we must protect our country!


To protect our country, when I grow up, we must build our own strength for our country! Don't forget our national humiliation and revitalize China!


My speech is over, thank you!

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