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小学生精彩演讲稿 网游

  • 2020-05-26 13:15:04
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次




Hello everyone, today I'd like to talk about the topic of "game".


说到游戏,大家一定不陌生。小时候,大家都做过游戏。游戏的过程中可以和朋友之间培养友谊,同时还可以锻炼身体。现代科技发达了,有了网络游戏。原本网游是在家无聊时一个娱乐项目,网游其实是益脑的。但是,有些同学过度沉迷于游戏之中。这些同学想获得游戏中的什么神级装备……这让很多游戏商家想出一个赚钱的好办法。他们规定只有充钱才会有那些好装备。有些同学充不了钱,只好不玩了。而有些家庭条件好的,就拿出自己的零花钱来充值。这还不算大事。下面就有一条很严重的是:据新闻报告,某地一名小学生,偷偷地把爸爸银行卡中的 50 万元充值到游戏中,这虽然满足了他个人的欲望。但是,他玩玩没想到那些钱是辛辛苦苦把自己养大的妈妈的救命钱!此时,知道了事情的他是怎样想的呢?这都不用猜就知道,肯定是后悔了!后悔自己变成了一个不孝子!即使有人受到了不幸。但是还有不断地事情发生了!

When it comes to games, we must be familiar. As a child, everyone played games. In the process of the game, you can cultivate friendship with your friends and exercise yourself at the same time. With the development of modern technology, there are online games. Originally, online game is an entertainment project when you are bored at home. In fact, online game is beneficial to your brain. However, some students are too addicted to the game. What kind of divine equipment do these students want to get in the game This lets a lot of game business come up with a good way to make money. They stipulate that good equipment will be available only when money is charged. Some students can't afford it, so they have to stop playing. And some families with good conditions will take out their own pocket money to recharge. It's not a big deal. Here's a very serious one: according to the news report, a primary school student somewhere secretly charged 500000 yuan from his father's bank card into the game, which satisfied his personal desire. However, he didn't expect that the money was the life-saving money of his mother who had worked hard to raise him! At this time, what did he think of when he knew something? He knew without guessing, it must be regret! Regret that he became an unfilial son! Even if someone was unfortunate. But there's something going on!


Although we can't stop it, it will never happen. But, from me, from now on! We believe that as long as we don't indulge in the game, such accidents will continue to reduce Please put down the electronic products in your hand, go out of your home, breathe the fresh air in the mountains and rivers, and stay away from the harm of online games! A beautiful tomorrow is waving to us!

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