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小学六年级English Bar手抄报

  • 2017-08-08 00:00:00
  • 来源:苗苗手抄报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 1 次


Net Bar英语手抄报内容:

Net bar Speaking of the net bar, everyone has his own opinion. Some people think the net bar distract the students from their study and make them be addicted in computer game completely. Needless to say, these people think the net bar has a negative function for the adolescents. On the other hand, some other people think the net bar can provide a way for people to contact the high technique and enrich their cultural life. As for me, I think it depends on how we use it. At first, exactly I can enjoy the computer games with my friends in the net bar, which can make me relax from the hard study and release our stress. Therefore, the net bar p...

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