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成语造句 雪中送炭成语造句

  • 2020-05-20 15:02:26
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. Grandma was ill, and there was no money for treatment at home. The second master in Wuhan sent two months' salary to help the family through the difficulties.

成语造句 雪中送炭成语造句


2. When the time came, my aunt sent a bag of dried sweet potatoes, which can be said to be a timely help.


3. I was shivering with cold. My mother sent me a cotton padded jacket. It was a real help in the snow.


4. She was worried that she didn't have a car to go home, when her sister came to pick her up, it was a timely help to solve her big problem.


5. To add flowers is a friend, to send coals in the snow is a friend, to share blessings and difficulties is a brother, and to have a close heart is a confidant.


6. The silent blessing of Tengda and the support in time of crisis can not be added to the brocade, but the flowers will definitely send coals in the snow. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, which is the highest level of friends.


7. What is love? Love is an inspiration that lifts the sail of your life. What is love? Love is a timely aid. What is love? Love is a smile that soothes your wounded heart.


8. A gentleman can send coals in the snow, but a villain can only take advantage of others' danger.


9. No doubt the bedding he sent was a gift in time.


10. It's raining. My mother sent me an umbrella. It's a real help in the snow!


11. He took the initiative to lend me his beloved eraser. In this critical moment, it's like sending coals in the snow. I want to say to him from the bottom of my heart, thank you!


12. He pushed the door into the room when midnight was in desperate need. It was a timely help.


13. When I need him most, he appears. I will never forget his timely help.


14. Looking at the students who are thinking attentively, I realized for the first time what is "sending charcoal in the snow" and "friendship".


15. Today, the teacher checked my homework. I didn't finish it. In a hurry, one of my classmates handed me his homework. It was a real help in the snow!

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