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成语造句大全 不稼不穑造句

  • 2020-05-21 10:18:53
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1. Eat all day long, work all night long, do not produce any crops, and get nothing for nothing. He is easygoing, hard-working, lazy, light, afraid of heavy things, and stops being absent-minded. He stretches out his hand regardless of grain and clothes. He is idle and idle. He can enjoy his life.


成语造句大全 不稼不穑造句

2. Xuchuan is an island, which is not far from the shore and has no special products. The only feature is that most of the mountains are rich in cultural accumulation. As soon as the islanders who do not farm or grow, lose their fishing nets, the tourism industry will be vigorously established.


3. The people of Wuchen want to have the surname of "eating grain". If they don't make achievements, they won't serve, and if they don't produce, they will eat.


4. Now that the reform and opening up have been carried out and factories have been set up in the countryside, there are more and more peasants who do not produce.


5. People, looking forward to their surnames, eat grain, do not perform, do not serve, do not produce, eat.


6. Since ancient times, China has a tradition of "growing old and growing old" and "using the best of our ability". Agriculture has always been the foundation of our country. The so-called "fixing the country" has also been criticized for its "no farming, no farming".


7. The slave owner lived a luxurious life without farming.


8. If you don't produce, you will have three hundred stores to get the grain? No hunting, no hunting, there are counties in huzhanerting?


9. Those eight banners' children, who did not farm or grow, were blindly fishing for the people.


10. Ouch, it's really out of farming and out of injury!

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