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成语造句 不足轻重造句

  • 2020-05-21 10:32:21
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. At this time, Zhou Wensheng on one side quickly apologized: Mr. Wang, please forgive Huanfeng for his carelessness. I will say something about him.

成语造句 不足轻重造句


2. The little girl is speechless and doesn't know the importance. I'm afraid she's impatient.


3. Chen Zhongjun's heart to fight for the country is a mirror! However, I am not familiar with you. My behavior is poor, and I don't know how important it is. I have lost the Empress Dowager's hope. I am sorry for your Majesty's long kindness. I am willing to be punished by the Empress Dowager!


4. Cocoa and Pipi are the names of dogs and cats. When cocoa was a child, he often didn't know what to do to disturb the older Pipi. This often happened. Cocoa would secretly wait for cocoa to revenge. Cocoa was scared to run away.


5. When inhaled into the fairyland on earth, when spit out, the five viscera are hazy. When enjoying, all thoughts are empty. When looking back, I feel regret. When I was young, I didn't know what to do, when I was sick, I was in tears. It is said to throw cigarettes in time, which makes you relaxed when you are healthy. World No Tobacco Day, may you stay away from cigarettes and have a healthy and safe life.


6. As soon as Xiao Keqiang uttered his words, he knew that he had lost his temper. How could he be so inconsequential and overturned Yu Yao's card? He looked at Yu Yao with great regret and kept apologizing with fists.


7. It is said that the ten princes of the demon family don't know how important they are. In addition, they are provoked by other people's conspiracy and the river Styx, so they enter the flood land lightly and emerge in ten days.


8. Dad, you gave birth to me. I can't live without your support. But sometimes I don't know what to say and offend you. Please don't worry. Today is father's day. I wish you a happy holiday!

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