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久假不归成语造句 成语造句大全

  • 2020-06-23 15:01:04
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. The library shall seriously deal with those who have borrowed books for a long time but fail to return.


2. The library has seriously criticized the readers who have not returned for a long time.


3. If you borrow something from the public or others, you should return it in time. You can't leave it for a long time.


4. It's not a crime of rebelling against Hu for a long time. It's also a shame of the Han nationality. The shogunate, with great justice, looks at the mountains and rivers, makes a lot of troops, thinks about banishment, fails to collect the general situation, and bears the humiliation up to now.


5. No, you are always pretending for a long time!


6. In order to occupy a large area of land and support the army, the layout has been completed for a long time.


7. When he was slow to hide and teach thieves, he opened the door and bowed down. He broke the land and abandoned it. He lived a long time, pretended not to return, and broke it again.


1. He has stood the test of the bloodbath and become a general who wins every battle.


2. The quarrel between them will break the peace and tranquility of the harem again, and a bloodbath will arise from it.


3. For example, Tyrion, even in the midst of a bloodbath, would still say something like his preferred weapon should be "an axe and a dagger".


4. They came to power in 1975 after a bloody civil war.


5. All the way forward with the bloody storm, I beg to be worthy of the praise. The immortal road is boundless. A young man named Yunfeng has set foot on the immortal road. How can he continue his immortal road


6. A royal power struggle with love, hate, hatred and bloodbath begins


7. The Jianghu is not only bloody, but also full of snow.


8. The Jianghu has experienced a lot of bloodbath, violence and recklessness. It may be covered with the blood of sin. But once the chance comes, I will put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha.


9. Lin Fang, a mysterious expert, returns with great strength, setting off a bloodbath, standing up to the top of the power and winning a lot of luck!


10. Lin Fang, a mysterious expert, returns with the power of the storm. Is it to create success for his brother or build a future for his lover? Stand up to heaven and earth, be worthy of heart, climb to the top of power.

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