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  • 2020-07-09 15:58:42
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


Once I don't know how to cherish, now I can't talk about how much I love you, but I will use all of my to prove my love for you. The following is a small series of love sentences prepared for you.



1. Lifting can be put down is called weightlifting, lifting can not put down is called weight-bearing. Unfortunately, most people's love is heavy.


2. Rely on your shoulder, feel your heartbeat, I am only belong to your little woman, your shoulder is my forever dependence!

3、 用你的名字和我的姓氏成就这故事,从此以后无忧无愁,故事平淡但当中有你已经足够!

3. With your name and my name to achieve this story, from now on, no worry, the story is plain, but you are enough!

4、 人生就算再失意,亦要多为自己保存一点天真;既然无法改变你,那我唯有改变我自己。

4. Life even if again frustrated, but also to save a little more naive; since can not change you, then I have to change myself.


5. Love begins with hope and ends with despair. If you die, there is no longer any hope I had for you.


6. Which kind of waiting will let you understand that I seem to see you again in the sea of people, so I turned around, leaving tears of missing you.

7、 认识你的时候,也就在心底刻下你的名字,问青山思恋几许,岁月有多久,爱你便有多久!

7. When I know you, I will engrave your name in the bottom of my heart. I will ask Qingshan how much I miss you. How long will it take to love you!

8、 真想跨过地域的限制,立即飞到你的身边。看你的脸,听你的音,闻你的味,想你的心。

8. I really want to fly over the limits of the region and fly to your side immediately. Look at your face, listen to your voice, smell your smell, miss your heart.

9、 穿棉袄了是因天气冷了;撑起伞了是因天下雨了;给你短信了是因我错了,能原谅我吗?

9. Wearing cotton padded jacket is because of the cold weather; holding up an umbrella is because of the rain; I sent you a short message because I was wrong. Can you forgive me?


10. Love is not just looking at each other, but looking in one direction; love is not looking in one direction, but thinking is the same.

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