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  • 2020-07-09 15:57:44
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


Thank you for your concern, thank you for your help, thank you for all you have done for me. The following is a small series of classic sentences about Thanksgiving father, I hope you like it!


1、 父亲,您的脸庞,挂在我的心上;父亲,您的关怀,牢记我的心房;父亲,您的嘱托,我知语重心长;父亲,您的快乐,是我最大的愿望。父亲节到来,祝福父亲幸福安康!

1. Father, your face, hanging in my heart; father, your care, keep in mind my heart; father, your trust, I know the words are sincere; father, your happiness, is my greatest wish. Father's Day is coming, wish father happiness and health!

2、 我一年年的成长,压弯了您的脊梁,我一次次的叛逆,染白了您的头发,我一回回的远行,深划了您的皱纹,爸爸您的关爱似海,您的疼爱似山,父亲节到,愿爸爸节日快乐,健康平安,我爱您!

2. I grow up year by year, bending your spine, I rebellious again and again, dyed your hair white, I go back and forth, deeply draw your wrinkles, Dad, your love is like the sea, your love is like the mountain, father's Day is coming, wish Dad a happy holiday, healthy and safe, I love you!

3、 我总是在你明亮的目光中起航,在你微笑的目光中欢悦,在你鼓励的目光中成长,在你凝重的目光中思索,在你深情的目光中懂得,你就是我心弦上不逝的风景,父亲。父亲节到了,愿你健康快乐。

3. I always set sail in your bright eyes, happy in your smiling eyes, growing up in your encouraging eyes, thinking in your dignified eyes, and knowing in your affectionate eyes that you are the eternal scenery on my heartstrings, father. Father's Day is coming. May you be healthy and happy.

4、 父亲是一座拱桥,他弓着腰,渡我过河;父亲是一首歌,他飘荡着旋律,伴我成长;父亲是一片天空,他张开怀抱,给我温暖。父亲节到了,我愿做父亲生命里的桥,歌和天空,给他无尽的爱。

4. Father is an arch bridge, he bows his waist, crossing me across the river; father is a song, he floats the melody, accompanies me to grow up; father is a sky, he opens his arms, gives me warmth. Father's Day is coming, I would like to be the bridge, song and sky in my father's life, and give him endless love.

5、 岁月染白了您的发,时光沧桑了您的脸,忙碌累弯了您的腰,牵挂模糊了您的眼,您却依然我呵护我,慈祥如从前。父亲节,愿您快乐健康,幸福灿烂!

5. Years dyed your hair white, time vicissitudes of your face, busy tired bent your waist, worried about blurred your eyes, but you still I care for me, as before. On father's day, I wish you happiness, health and happiness!

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