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  • 2020-06-19 15:30:20
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


1. I placed myself on a big stone, with a rifle in my hand and a suicide note in my pocket.



2. Police won't comment on whether any remains have been found, but a spokesman said nothing had been removed from the house except the body.


3. The theme of his speech is quite consistent with other al Qaeda videos, especially bin Laden's "alien" speech, and the video suicide note left by the attacker Mohammad Sidiki Khan on July 7.


4. Local media reported that in the same week that sun danyong committed suicide, Liao Shikai, an employee of Shangde shoe factory and a college graduate, also committed suicide by jumping from a building. In his letter left, he said that he had worked overtime for three consecutive months without rest.


5. When he found the note, although he was still in deep sorrow, he immediately put it in his pocket and did not open and read the letter in the later plot of the movie.


6. Investigators say no signs of murder have been found, and no evidence has been found that he has suicidal thoughts or a suicide note.


7. Police said they did not find Park left a suicide note and had no history of depression, but they also said they did not doubt his suicide.


8. "I saw my daughter lying motionless in bed, like dead, with two empty bottles of sleeping pills and a suicide note next to her," Cui LAN, 43, told Nanjing's Modern Express.


9. She left a letter to me, which is also a suicide note.


10. Less than 50 words of the bequeath, written askew, misspelled.


11. Alexander McQueen, a famous fashion designer who died last week, hanged himself and left a suicide note nearby, according to a forensic doctor.


12. On the night before McQueen's mother's funeral, he hanged himself in the closet after leaving a suicide note, according to a forensic autopsy report. He was 40 years old.


13. He added that the police also did not find the note.


14. The 33 year old actor, who became famous for CO starring in the Korean TV series "winter love song", hanged himself without leaving a suicide note, Yonhap news agency reported.


15. Today, when I read my brother's suicide note, I shuddered, and I was surprised to find that none of his writings had anything to do with me.


16. I tore up the note, sat in the car and started the engine.


17. A 35-year-old American man shot himself a week ago near Harvard University, leaving behind a 1905 page "electronic suicide note" that he had written for five years.


18. Police did not release the contents of the suicide note and the cause of Snowe's suicide.


19、 Police did not find the suicide note, but Bloomberg quoted New York police chief Raymond Kelly as saying: "the premise of our investigation is that it was a suicide."


20. The contents of the note were not released. But before McQueen's death, there was sadness on twitter about his mother's recent death.


21. Not only "inconceivable", "strange" or "unstable" behaviors have become evidence, but also "paranoia" and "psychotherapy" have been exposed - written suicide notes or some "strange curses" and "paranoia" they wrote.


22. She sent a suicide note to Octavian. Octavian lives in her palace.


23. Mitchell hesman reportedly committed suicide at Harvard park on September 18, after which his family and some 400 friends received a 1905 page email - his suicide note.


24. I'm glad that they are still writing news reports, not letters.


25. So I wrote something like a suicide note.

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